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Remember Ron Thom:
The Old and the New

The following two comics both deal with Ron Thom, the architect responsible for Massey College (he is mentioned occasionally inWest of Bathurst as "Tom Rhon"). The first one dates from several years ago (probably 2001 or so) and was originally published in the Massey yearbook; I have not tweaked it at all, so it's a little rough and ready. The second one won the 2009 Massey T-shirt competition and will eventually be appearing on a T-shirt near you. I think I may sort of have an issue with Ron Thom. Ah well.

Note for non-Masseyites: the inscription "Remember Ron Thom, ARCHITECT" appears on a plaque on the side of the Massey bell tower. This plaque has served as a source of amusement for Junior Fellows since it was put up eight or nine years ago.
"Remember Ron Thom" panel

Massey T-shirt contest entry

Remember Ron Thom: The Old and the New
Cartoon 1: We are looking at the type of plaque that might be found on the side of a building.


When your room is freezing cold,
When your desk is lined with mould,
When your door creaks day and night,
When you haven't any light,
When your chairs are missing backs
(Well, and seats), when nails and tacks
Aren't permitted in your wall,
When there's smoke inside your Hall...

Ron Thom

Note Under Plaque: ...With thanks to Renaud Séguin for the basic idea...

Alt-Text: He's probably watching us RIGHT NOW.

Cartoon 2: A man and woman in dinner robes are walking along together.

Man: I was sitting on a broken chair in the frigid, smoke-filled hall when my table burst suddenly into flame.

Woman: Same old, same old.


Massey College
remembers Ron Thom

Alt-Text: I just can't leave it alone, can I?

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014