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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

West of Bathurst 12

This comic is dedicated to Irena, Sarah, Katherine, Greg, Sang, Spencer, Peter, and anyone else who has ever been the victim of one of my many anti-English rants.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Panel 1: Marie and Casey walk through the common room. Behind them, we can see large windows looking out on a garden.

Marie: So what's your programme?

Casey: Just starting a Ph.D. in English. I--

Off-Panel Voice: What?

Panel 2:  Barbara appears out of nowhere and gets right in Casey's face.

Barbara: I knew you were evil, but nobody told me you were stupid too! What's wrong with you?

Panel 3: Barbara grabs Casey's tie and starts strangling him with it.

Barbara: No one should ever study English here! The department will eat you and spit out your bones! Flee whilst you still can!

Panel 4: Barbara sinks dramatically towards the ground, her index finger raised to the heavens, as Casey clutches at his throat.

Barbara: Flee........

Casey: *Kkkk*........

Marie [thinks]: I was right: this place is Mars.

Alt-Text: Okay, I admit it: this strip is about me.

This comic is dedicated to Irena, Sarah, Katherine, Greg, Sang, Spencer, Peter, and anyone else who has ever been the victim of one of my many anti-English rants.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014