Panel 1: Marie and Casey walk through the common room. Behind them, we can see large windows looking out on a garden.
Marie: So what's your programme?
Casey: Just starting a Ph.D. in English. I--
Off-Panel Voice: What?
Panel 2: Barbara appears out of nowhere and gets right in Casey's face.
Barbara: I knew you were evil, but nobody told me you were stupid too! What's wrong with you?
Panel 3: Barbara grabs Casey's tie and starts strangling him with it.
Barbara: No one should ever study English here! The department will eat you and spit out your bones! Flee whilst you still can!
Panel 4: Barbara sinks dramatically towards the ground, her index finger raised to the heavens, as Casey clutches at his throat.
Barbara: Flee........
Casey: *Kkkk*........
Marie [thinks]: I was right: this place is Mars.
Alt-Text: Okay, I admit it: this strip is about me.
Dedication: This comic is
dedicated to Irena, Sarah, Katherine, Greg, Sang, Spencer, Peter,
and anyone else who has ever been the victim of one of my many
anti-English rants.