Panel 1: In the Davies common room, Casey is recovering from Barbara trying to strangle him with his tie. He is smiling. Marie is not.
Marie: Are you okay?
Casey: Seem to be.
Panel 2:
Marie: Geez...I can't believe we have to live next to that psycho for a year. She's gonna kill one of us.
Casey [still smiling]:
Panel 3:
Casey: We'll come to some sort of understanding eventually. It's inevitable. Besides, I'm pretty sure Barbara means well.
Panel 4: Rahim and Barbara poke their heads into the panel, Rahim on Marie's right and Barbara on Casey's left.
Rahim: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Barbara [points at Casey]: And he's Satan.
Marie [thinks]: Maybe I can sleep in the library stacks...
Alt-Text: Well, hey, walked right into that one.