Panel 1: In
the movie theatre, Guy With Curly Black Hair, Marie, Blue-Haired Woman,
Casey, and Barbara sit all in a row. Behind them, the rest of the
theatre is oddly empty, probably because I was lazy and didn't feel
like drawing any other people.
Blue-Haired Woman: So...Casey...what's with the cane?
Panel 2:
Casey: I find it comes in handy when I need to kill someone quickly.
Panel 3: Casey smiles an evil smile.
Panel 4: By this point, Marie is smiling too.
Marie: I.e., never the hell mind.
Casey: That too.
Blue-Haired Woman [to Guy With Curly Black Hair, who is about to get a name, thank goodness]: that seat taken?
Alt-Text: Well...if someone asked me this question, that's what I would say...but this IS Casey we're talking about here...