Note for people reading the comic in 2019 or later: West of Bathurst
was published between 2006 and 2014. At that time, the head of Massey
College, the institution that provided the inspiration for the
fictional Davies College, was called the Master. In the 2017 - 2018
school year, the title was changed to "Principal." Regard these comics
as historical documents, or, at the very least, as fictional versions
of historical documents. They reflect the truth of the time in which
they were produced.
Panel 1: In
the title panel of a Sunday-style colour comic, Marie stands looking at
an imposing series of framed portraits on an orange wall. The first
portrait, which is only half visible, is of a bald man with an
impressive white beard who is glaring at the viewer through his
glasses. He is dressed in a black robe with red stripes on the
shoulders, as are the people in the other portraits as well. The plaque
under the first portrait can't be read in full; we can see "MMINGS /
TER / 1974." The second portrait is of a chunky man with brown hair and
a moustache. His plaque reads: "F. R. ANDERSSON / MASTER / 1974 -
1981." The third portrait is of a gaunt, scowling man with a long face
and a shock of grey hair. He is "JAMES P. ARTHUR / MASTER / 1981 -
1988." The fourth portrait is of a woman with short light-brown hair
and glasses. She is "JEAN PACK / MASTER / 1988 - 1995." The fourth
portrait has no one in it. Instead, it contains a note reading: "WATCH
THIS SPACE." Its plaque reads: "D. RAMSAY / MASTER / 1995 -." At the
top of the panel, in fancy white font on a brown board, are the words
"West of Bathurst / by Kari Maaren."
Panel 2: Marie
and Rahim are in the Davies common room, sitting on orange couches
pushed back against a brick wall. Behind them on the wall is a huge
painting that is partially visible in most of the panels. Its content
is unclear, but I'm happy to tell you that it depicts the fall of
Icarus, the perfect subject matter for a graduate college. Rahim is
reading The Globe and Mail, a newspaper.
Marie: Y'know, I just realised: I've never met the guy who's supposed to be in charge of this place.
Rahim: Master Ramsay? You've met him.
Panel 3:
Marie: No, I haven't.
Rahim: Yes, you have.
Panel 4:
Marie: No, see, I'm sure I would remember that. Funny...everybody talks about how friendly he is--
Rahim: You've met him.
Panel 5:
Marie: I haven't.
Rahim: You have.
Marie: I haven't!
Rahim: Trust me, you have.
Panel 6: Someone moving at almost supersonic speed zooms across the panel, going "WHOOOOSH."
Rahim [not looking up from newspaper]: Morning, Master.
Master Ramsay: Hellocolleaguescan'tstoptochatgottomeetwiththeGovernorGeneralinHamiltonnicetorunintoyoooouuuu......
Panel 7:
Rahim: Met, yes. Seen, probably not.
Marie: So that's what that was...
Alt-Text: Okay, so maybe I lied about all the characters being entirely fictional...