Panel 1: Iiiiiiit's
colour comic time! In the long title panel, we see the blue-haired
woman, whom I simply cannot believe hasn't been named yet, talking into
a flip phone (the comic was published in 2006, after all) while
gesturing towards Marie. The woman is saying, "West of Bathurst (by
Kari Maaren)."
Panel 2: Marie and the blue-haired woman are walking through the college basement.
Woman: Michelle is going out with Jim now.
Marie: Oh yeah? One of them tell you?
Panel 3:
Woman: I got it from Jane, who overheard Mike and Sara discussing it at lunch.
Panel 4: They ascend a staircase.
Woman: Mike saw something about it in an e-mail he read over Bob's e-mail from Tom, who had just been messaged by Tyler.
Panel 5: They exit through the foyer and head out into the quadrangle.
Apparently, he'd been talking to Elizabeth, whose sister's boyfriend, a
Davies alumnus, had seen a reference on the alum listserv...
Panel 6:
Woman: the time last month when Alice had noticed Jim and Michelle walking across the quadrangle no more than three meet apart.
Panel 7: Marie stands despairingly near a wall while the blue-haired woman begins to walk away.
Marie: Why did I move in here?
Woman: According to popular opinion, monstly because you're gullible.
Alt-Text: Gossip? At "Davies"? Goodness gracious me, NEVER!