Panel 1: Barbara
is sitting in an armchair in Davies' Lower Library (a large basement
room in which students often sit to study). Her laptop is on a small
wooden table, and she's reading a book. We can see bricks, concrete
pillars, and a black stone floor behind her. Wendy leans down towards
Wendy: Have you got your costume yet? You need to make more of an effort this year, you know. Last year you were actually lazy. I--
Panel 2: Without looking away from her book, Barbara squirts pepper spray into Wendy's face.
Panel 3: As Marie approaches, Wendy walks past her, a hand over her eyes.
Wendy: My eyes...
Panel 4:
Barbara: Bought the pepper spray last year on November first.
Marie [watches Wendy retreat]: I never thought I'd say this, but you may just be my hero.
Alt-Text: That is not "my" chair, but it IS the chair FACING "my" chair...