Panel 1: Marie
and Casey meet in the corridor outside their residence rooms before the
Hallowe'en party. Marie is dressed like a sexy cat. Casey seems to be
an orchestral conductor, as he is wearing a tuxedo and carrying a baton.
Marie: Hey...nicely done.
Casey: Thanks. You too.
Panel 2: Barbara approaches, dressed in her street clothes.
Casey: You going down to the party like that, Barbara? Wendy's going to kill you.
Barbara: Not so.
Panel 3:
Barbara: I am dressed up as a happy, fulfilled woman who has never in her life uttered the words: "Grad school...what a good idea!"
Panel 4:
Marie [points]: Ooh, yes...I can see the little pay stub sticking out of your pocket.
Barbara: I had to mug an employed person for that thing.
Alt-Text: Sebastian Bouhnick's costumes often used to be quite like Barbara's...