Panel 1: Marie is in the Davies foyer, looking at a sign-up sheet tacked to the bulletin board.
Marie [thinks]: Huh.
Panel 2: Marie
and Casey walk through the foyer together. Behind them on the bulletin
board can be seen a poster advertising a protection of As You Like It.
Marie: You've signed up to perform at the Coffee House...
Casey: I thought I might as well.
Panel 3: As they spot Wendy nearby, Casey flings out an arm to bar Marie's progress.
Marie: But you--
Casey: Great wandering son of Jehoshaphat! Hide!
Panel 4: They have nipped around a corner and flattened themselves against a wall.
Casey: Okay...I thought I might as well because it seemed a good way to make Wendy leave me alone for two or three seconds.
Marie: Fair enough.
Alt-Text: Foolish boy. If you feed 'em, they keep coming back for more...