Panel 1: In the Davies basement, the blue-haired woman is frantically stamping on her burning law exam as Marie and Casey stand by.
Blue-Haired Woman: Put it out! Aagh! Aagh!
Marie [to Casey]:
Casey: Me?
Panel 2:
Blue-Haired Woman: Why did you set my take-home exam on fire with your mind?
Casey: Me?
Panel 3: Marie puts a comforting arm around the blue-haired woman's shoulders.
Blue-Haired Woman: Barabara keeps calling you Satan! She's right! You have evil, ever powers that we mere grad students cannot comprehend!
Casey: Me?
Panel 4: The blue-haired woman buries her face in her hands.
Marie: Did you have to choose crunch week to pull a stunt like this?
Casey [in purest frustration]: Me?
Alt-Text: What part of "Me?" do they not understand?