Panel 1: Later,
in the formless void that we shall call "somewhere in Davies College,"
Casey catches up with Marie. He is about, at long, long last, to reveal the name of the blue-haired woman.
Casey:'s Frankie?
Marie: Frantically rewriting her take-home...thanks ever so much for asking.
Panel 2:
Casey: Look...I don't have any idea why that exam caught on fire.
Marie: Yeah, sure, whatever you--
Panel 3: Marie clutches her head.
Marie: Oh, for crying out loud...what am I saying? I know it couldn't have been your fault. I think I've let Barbara infect my mind.
Panel 4: Barbara appears out of nowhere and starts shaking a salt shaker in Casey's face.
Barbara: That's what I'm here for. D'you have any holy water?
Marie: And now I can't comprehend why I would ever do that.
Alt-Text: Nothing weird about Casey! Nuh-uh! Nosirreebob! Well...maybe just a little.