Panel 1: Marie
and Rahim are sitting in an area of Davies known as the Puffy Couch
Room, or PCR. There is, in fact, a puffy couch, and they are sitting on
Marie: I guess you've never done Christmas...
Rahim: No.
Panel 2: Rahim picks up the remote and turns on the TV, which is off panel.
Rahim: When I was younger, I sometimes felt left out. Now it doesn't bother me.
Panel 3: Marie and Rahim stare as someone on the TV speaks.
Someone on the TV: Christmas is a time for families. Drink Johnson's soda...with your family!
Panel 4:
Someone on the TV: a time...for Johnson's...
Rahim: I do have it to thank for much of my cynicism, though.
Alt-Text: Surely no one could be cynical about Christmas commercials.