Panel 1: Marie
and Rahim are standing in the Davies foyer, near the glass doors that
lead to the common room. Barbara is nearby, within earshot.
Marie: So what's wrong with this Morgan person?
Rahim: Ssshh!
Panel 2: Barbara gets right into Rahim's face.
Barbara: Morgan? Where?
Rahim: Nowhere. You're imagining things. No one mentioned--
Panel 3: Wendy approaches.
Wendy: Barbara! Too funny! Your arch-nemesis is reading newspapers in the common room!
Panel 4: Barbara clenches her fists and heads off to battle.
Barbara: Oh, good.
Rahim: Right into the fan.
Marie [thinks]: Why do I never know what's going on in this place?
Alt-Text: Always fun to introduce a new character in a semi-apocalyptic manner.