Panel 1: In
the title panel of this colour comic, Marie, wearing a dress and her
dinner robe, is waiting in line in the Davies cloakroom. Five women are
in front of her, all of them lined up in front of a door labelled
"Ladies." Barbara is directly in front of Marie, who is doing the "I
really need to pee" dance. Each of the six women in line is thinking a
word. Starting with Marie, the words are: "West," "of," "Bathurst,"
"by," "Kari," and "Maaren."
Panel 2:
Marie [thinks]: Dear lord. I'm not gonna make it.
Panel 3: Marie peeks past the oblivious women in front of her.
Marie [thinks]: This always happens after High Table. Why didn't I go between courses? Why are there only three stalls?
Panel 4:
Marie [thinks]:
I think I'm probably in Hell. That's it: I died of boredoom halfway
through and was sent to a special bathroom-line-up Hades. I'm doomed.
Panel 5: Barbara has noticed Marie's squirming.
Marie [thinks]: Why don't men have this problem? Why do they just breeze in and out again? Why is my bladder so minuscule? Why? Why? Why?
Panel 6: Barbara turns around.
Barbara: You know, if you really have to go, our private bathroom is a fifteen-second walk from here.
Panel 7: Marie massages her own forehead.
Marie [thinks]: Why have grad studies apparently eaten my brain?
Barbara [counts them off on her fingers]: And there are two in the basement...and one near the Round Room...and thirty on the residence floors...
Alt-Text: I've never done this. No, really. No, REALLY.