Panel 1: Marie and Rahim are in a hallway on one of Davies' residence floors.
Rahim: You realise Frankie's signed up to sit with us at Winter Ball?
Marie: She has?
Panel 2: Together, they begin to descend a staircase.
Rahim: So far, our table's got you, me, Casey, Barbara, Fred, Malcolm, and Frankie. Fred is the only one of us she currently likes.
Panel 3: They walk along the hallway.
Marie: Uh...well...I don't know...I mean...she's usually pretty nice...maybe she's let bygones...uh...
Panel 4:
Marie: There's some really complicated revenge thing going on here, isn't there?
Rahim: People say Frankie forgave someone for something once, but I'm pretty sure that's just a rumour.
Alt-Text: Yep...second term is when it aaaaaaall starts to fall apart.