Panel 1: Marie is sitting on the steps that lead down from the Davies dining hall. Casey comes down the stairs behind her.
Casey: Marie? Why aren't you dancing?
Panel 2: He sits beside her.
Marie: Why aren't you?
Casey: I can't.'ve seen the cane. People think it's an affectation, but it's not.
Panel 3:
Marie [thinks]: Must...not...reveal...possible crush (which obviously doesn't exist).
Casey [puts a hand on Marie's back]: You know, if there's something wrong, you can tell me. I won't laugh.
Panel 4: Marie hits herself in the head several times with one hand while grabbing Casey's wrist with the other.
Marie [thinks]: No, you'll just run screaming from the room and never speak to me again.
Casey: I take it this is not a good time...
Alt-Text: The logic of the unrequited crush will never cease to amaze (and torture) me.