Panel 1: Rahim and Marie are standing in the Davies foyer. Marie is holding a piece of paper.
Rahim: I am not running for Don of Hall.
Marie: I filled out the nomination form for you.
Panel 2:
Rahim: I am not running for Don of Hall.
Marie: Casey, Barbara, and I signed it. The Master wishes you luck.
Panel 3: Frankie and a male Junior Fellow walk by.
Rahim: I am not--
Man: Looks as if you may be acclaimed.
Frankie: Too bad...I was looking forward to annihilating someone.
Panel 4: Rahim face-palms. Jackie enters the scene.
Rahim: Give me the form.
Marie: Sign on the line.
Jackie [loudly, to the world in general]: Hang onto your hats; it's a race after all!
Alt-Text: And thus are many, many don candidates born...