Panel 1: In
the title panel of this colour comic, we see Barbara slumped at a
table, her head buried in her arms. A large pile of papers is on the
table in front of her, along with a red pen. To the left is what looks
like the title page of a student paper. We see part of the title: "ia
Woolf's to teh Lighthouse." The "teh" has been circled in red. An arrow
points to the word, followed by the words, still in red: "West!! Of!!
Bathurst!!!" and "by Kari Maarennnnnnnnn," with the multiple "n"s
trailing despairingly towards the edge of the page.
Panel 2: Barbara and Marie sit together at the table. She points at the pile of papers. Marie's chin is resting on her fist.
See this pile of essays. Observe it closely. No strings
trickery of any kind. What follows, ladies and gentlemen, is genuine
Panel 3: Barbara picks up two papers.
Barbara: This student argues that To the Lighthouse is concrete proof that Virginia Woolf suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder. This one spells Byron's name "B-I-R-U-N" and asserts that he wrote--and I quote--"Mary Shelley's Frankenstein."
Panel 4: Marie cringes as Barbara picks up two more papers.
Barbara: This one has submitted a paper that contains only three paragraphs but is two thousand words too long. This one cites The Family Guy as a legitimate secondary source.
Panel 5: This one is wrong. This one has plagiarised. This one writes off topic. This one does not know what a comma is.
Panel 6:
Barbara: Average mark if I follow the guidelines of our university's English Department: seventy-two.
Panel 7: Barbara gets up and tosses the papers over her shoulder as Marie picks up one of the papers and stares at it in bafflement.
Barbara: As I said: genuine magic.
Marie: It's almost like being at Hogwarts...
Alt-Text: If any of my current students are reading this, they should know that I am NOT referring to them (truly)...