Panel 1: The
Davies Junior Common Room has been set up for the elections. Casey and
Marie are sitting on hard wooden chairs and looking at their programmes.
Casey: Speeches from the DEF candidates...speeches from the Don candidates...question periods: it's going to be a long evening.
Marie: Yeah...
Panel 2:
Casey: I've heard these elections sometimes get kind of nasty. I hope that won't happen this year.
Marie looks at him sidelong.
Panel 3:
Marie: Uh. Yes. Absolutely. I hope so too...
Panel 4: Marie peeks through her fingers as Frankie and Rahim pass in front of her.
Marie [thinks]: ...except that it already has.
Frankie: Catch gangrene, toad-breath.
Rahim: Eh...ladies first.
Alt-Text: Davies is not (quite) Massey. Davies is not (quite) Massey...