Panel 1: Wendy
and Morgan are in the Davies foyer, where a voting table has been set
up. Wendy is holding a ballot. Morgan, an alumna, cannot vote in the
Wendy: I hope Frankie wins; I like it when the Don is a woman!
Morgan: But Rahim was DEF co-chair with you.
Panel 2: Wendy submits her ballot.
Wendy: Yes, but he's boring. Can't have a boring Don.
Morgan: A manipulative one is better, is it?
Panel 3:
Wendy: Better manipulative than cynical!
Morgan: Better cynical than petty!
Wendy: Freak!
Morgan: Ditz!
Panel 4: Marie and Rahim are standing nearby, listening.
Marie: All this passion...and I'm still not sure what the Don even does.
Rahim: Who is?
The truth is that the Don doesn't do anything except hide from people
who have locked themselves out of their rooms at three o'clock a.m.