Panel 1: Casey
and Marie approach Barbara, who is probably standing in the Davies
Junior Common Room, though it's hard to tell because there's no
Marie: Where are Rahim and Frankie?
Barbara [gestures]: In the Master's lodging. They hear the election results first.
Panel 2:
Barbara: You can usually figure out who's won by how they look when they come out. Observe.
Panel 3: Frankie,
scowling, and Rahim, wearing a devastated frown, emerge from the
Master's office, which opens off the Common Room and connects it to the
Master's lodging.
Panel 4: Marie strokes her chin.
Marie: What are we looking for here again?
Casey: Rahim seems slightly less devastated, but possibly that's just me.
Well, seriously...why would anyone *want* to be Don? (Sorry, Noam...)