Panel 1: Rahim,
Marie, and Barbara stand in the Davies quadrangle, near the big
common-room windows and between the ponds, during the end-of-year
barbecue. Rahim is holding a cup of something.
Rahim: The end-of-year barbecue is one of the most mysterious Davies traditions.
Barbara: Certain things always happen at it, and no one knows why.
Panel 2:
Rahim: The ketchup runs out at seven.
Barbara: It starts to rain at nine.
Rahim: Someone falls into the pond.
Barbara: The Master misplaces his bow tie.
Panel 3: Rahim sips from his cup.
Rahim: And there's some sort of scandal.
Barbara: Last year, that was me and Morgan. This year...
Panel 4: Rahim glances to his right as two people speak off panel.
Person 1: Out of my way!
Person 2: I've just about had it with you--
Marie [jaded]: Casey and Frankie?
Barbara [walks away]: I'll make popcorn.
Alt-Text: the excrement moves, ponderously, in the direction of the cooling device...