Panel 1: At
the Davies end-of-year barbecue, Casey has just lost his prosthetic
foot and fallen into the pond. Everybody stands around and watches,
including Marie and Frankie.
Marie: Casey...
Frankie: I...I didn't mean--
Casey [off panel]: Go hifrean leat! [Translation: "To hell with you!"]
Panel 2: Casey is sitting in the pond, swearing in Irish.
Casey: Imeacht gan teacht ort! Go n-ithe an cat thú, is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat! [Translation: "May you leave without returning! May the cat eat you, and may the devil eat the cat!"]
Person 1 [off panel]: He's got no foot!
Person 2 [off panel]: What's he saying?
Person 3 [off panel]: Is that...Russian?
Panel 3: Barbara is next to Marie now.
Barbara: No, it's Gaelic. Irish. Some rather poetic cursing, actually.
Marie: You know Gaelic?
Casey [off panel]: Ní mórán thú...ciach ort... [Translation: "You're worthless...damn you..."]
Panel 4:
Barbara: Not really, but my grandma used to use most of those words on my grandpa every time he hid her reading glasses.
Marie: Ah.
Casey [off panel]: Dún do bhéal! [Translation: "Shut your mouth!"
Alt-Text: My grandma used to use those words too.