Panel 1: In
the title panel of this colour comic, three Davies Junior Fellows sit
on a bench in the quadrangle. They don't have names yet, but they are,
left to right: a thin white man with curly brown hair, a fat Asian man
with black hair and glasses, and a pasty white man with a shaved head.
We shall call them Thing 1, Thing 2, and Thing 3. Thing 2 has the words
"West of Bathurst" on his shirt, while Thing 3 has the words "by Kari
Maaren" on his collar.
Thing 1: Out of ten?
Thing 2 and Thing 3: As per usual.
Panel 2: The three men watch Barbara walk by.
Thing 1: Three.
Thing 2: Two.
Thing 1: Three for me.
Panel 3: Two young women, one blonde and one brunette, pass, smiling and chatting.
Thing 1: Six and seven.
Thing 2: Or six and eight?
Panel 4: Frankie walks by, wearing tight shorts and a low-cut tank top.
Thing 1: Nine!
Thing 2: Ten!
Thing 3: Ten point five!
Panel 5: Marie passes. She glances at the men as she does.
Thing 1: Five or six.
Thing 3: Okay, sounds good.
Panel 6: A fat woman with mousy, disordered hair approaches.
Thing 1: Ha!
Thing 2: No, minus ten!
3's eyes slide to the side as he notices that the women he has just
been rating have returned, with Barbara in front, and are looking down
at him.
Thing 3: Yeah, totally. I...uh...
Panel 7: Barbara grits her teeth and raises her hands as the other women glare.
Panel 8: The
three men are no longer in great shape. Thing 1 has been given a
wedgie. Thing 2's shirt has been pulled over his head. Thing 3 appears
to have been kicked in a sensitive area. The women, their job done,
head off together.
Brunette [grins]: Nine!
Mousy-Haired Woman: Ten!
Marie [steeples fingers]: Ten point five...
Alt-Text: I give them ten out of ten for cheekiness but only three for subtlety.