Panel 1: Marie, Casey, and Rahim are eating breakfast in the Davies dining hall.
Rahim: Actually, the Don has it relatively easy at this time of year. It's Jackie I feel sorry for right now.
Marie: Why?
Panel 2:
She's summer rentals coordinator. Davies turns into a sort of hostel
from May until August; she's the one who has to deal with the fallout.
Panel 3: Behind Marie, a terrible woman with poofy bleached-blonde hair who is wearing a tight black dress confronts Jackie.
Marie: Fallout?
Terrible Blonde Woman [to Jackie]: Aren't you in charge here? My room is too small. Where's the ironing board? I demand a private bathroom!
Panel 4:
Marie: Ah...fallout.
Jackie: I'm on my lunch break--
Terrible Blonde Woman: And speaking of the meals...!
Alt-Text: But where's the fallout *shelter*?