Panel 1: Marie and Rahim are in a Davies College corridor.
Marie: How long is Bleachy staying here?
Rahim: Until July nineteenth.
Panel 2: Frankie approaches.
Marie: Well, that's only half a month more.
Frankie: Bleachy just found out Fred had a girlfriend.
Panel 3:
Rahim: So?
Frankie: So she got Lily's number, called her up, and said, "I'm Fred's other woman. Hands off my new boyfriend, yo!"
Panel 4:
Marie: My God...that's half a month more.
Rahim: If we walled her up alive in the bell tower, do you think anyone would notice?
I react in exactly the same way to all mentions of how close I am to
defending. "Only two months more, and I'll have graduated......TWO
WHOLE MONTHS MORE?" (Okay, okay...slightly more than two months more.
Don't rub it in.)