Panel 1: Rahim
and Jackie are standing together in the Davies College common room.
Jackie stares straight ahead, a distant look of horror on her face.
Rahim: There are plenty of great summer residents this year. Bleachy's the only intolerable one.
Jackie: Mmm-hmm...
Panel 2:
Rahim: Just a few weeks more...then she'll be gone. I'm sure you can handle it.
Jackie: Mmm-hmm...
Panel 3: Shelly, a.k.a. Bleachy, walks past, talking on her cell phone. Let's just call her Bleachy now. Everybody else does.
Bleachy: Just a minute, Carol. I need to get out of this room; there's a guy in here who looks like a terrorist.
Panel 4: Bleachy is gone. Rahim raises an index finger.
Rahim: I shall not rest until I have driven this demon back into the foul pit that spawned her.
Jackie: Mmm-hmm...
Alt-Text: And then he'll pour holy water into the pit.