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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

West of Bathurst 177

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Yes, folks, "Barry," who will be making an appearance in every strip running this week, is Massey's own Barry Rowe. Let me explain: several months ago, Barry bought--in the Massey talent auction--a cameo in WoBand a framed, personalised cartoon. The two of us have not yet actually discussed this fact at all, so I haven't done the personalised cartoon, and I haven't yet given Barry a real cameo (I want to consult with him first). This appearance, which is occuring during a storyline that can not really be described as "light and fluffy," is not Barry's official cameo; you might think of it more as a sort of place-holder for his character. I would like Cartoon Barry to do at least slightly more than stand around helplessly as the protagonist suffers what appears to be some sort of nervous breakdown. With luck, he will turn up again next term.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Panel 1: In the Davies College dining hall, Felicia, Rahim, Barbara, a blonde female Junior Fellow, and a black-haired, bearded Junior Fellow we are about to learn is named Barry gather around Marie, who is staring into space. Rahim is feeling Marie's forehead.

Felicia: What's wrong with her?

Rahim: I don't know. Barry, get Casey.

Panel 2: Barry heads off.

Felicia: Why?

Rahim: He's her best friend; she may have told him something that would explain this.

Panel 3: Bleachy sticks her head into the scene.

Rahim: Marie...look at me. Marie--

Bleachy: You idiots need to clean up the slop she dumped all over the floor! What is wrong with you?

Panel 4: Barbara lunges at Bleachy while Felicia holds her back.

Barbara: Let me go; it's justifiable homicide!

Rahim: Could you kill people elsewhere, please?

Alt-Text: Okay, okay...I'll lay off Bleachy for a bit now. She's just so *fun*, you see...

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