Panel 1: Felicia is leading Casey back to the Davies dining hall.
Felicia: She just...I dunno. She said, "July eighteenth," then collapsed. Do you know...?
Casey: I may.
Panel 2: In the dining hall, Casey kneels in front of Marie and grasps her by the arms.
Casey: Marie. Is this...something to do with what you told me in December?
Marie nods.
Panel 3: Casey lays a hand on her cheek.
Casey: Okay. I'm going to get you to my room, all right? Do you think you can walk there?
Panel 4: We pan back to see a mob of Junior Fellows crowded around.
Casey: Through the vast crowd of pointlessly curious people?
Barbara [swinging around a broom she's evidently found somewhere]: With the help of this broom?
Alt-Text: And since it's Barbara saying it, you know that she really will hit you extremely hard over the head with the thing...