Panel 1: Marie is standing beside a brick wall in Davies College. Rahim comes up behind her.
Rahim: M--
Marie [waves dismissively]: Yes, I'm fine. We're dropping the subject now. This is much more interesting.
Panel 2:
Rahim: What is?
Marie [points]: Bleachy's supposed to be moving out today, but she doesn't want to go.
Panel 3: We see that Marie has been watching Bleachy scream at Jackie in the foyer.
Rahim: Oh dear.
Bleachy: You can't do this to me! I'll end up living on the street! I'm almost a lawyer; I'll sue you all!
Panel 4:
Rahim: "Almost a lawyer"?
Marie: If I had a death wish, I might even ask.
Alt-Text: Oh, look...the completely fictional character with no basis in reality whatsoever has returned!