Panel 1: Jackie is talking to Bleachy in the formless void that is Davies College.
Jackie: only booked through until today. We've already rented out your room.
Bleachy: I need another week.
Panel 2:
Jackie: I'm sorry, but you have to leave now.
Bleachy: That's not true. I know my rights.
Panel 3: Frankie appears, carrying three enormous books.
Frankie: No, no...I know your rights. I looked them up in my law texts. It seems you do have to leave.
Panel 4: Bleachy begins to storm away.
Bleachy: I'm almost a lawyer! I don't have to listen to law texts!
Jackie: Perhaps we should chuck those books at her head until she goes away...
Alt-Text: "I'm almost a lawyer" may actually be right up there with the Chewbacca Defense on the Scale of Logical Arguments.