Panel 1: In the Davies College quadrangle, Marie approaches Rahim, who is grinning manically.
Marie: Hey, Rahim.
Rahim: Hello.
Panel 2: Marie looks sidelong at Rahim. He is still grinning while staring, bug-eyed, at nothing.
Panel 3:
Marie: I take it your role as Don of Hall is forcing you to be unnaturally sociable this week.
Panel 4: Marie walks away from a still-grinning Rahim. Barbara pops up out of nowhere to whisper to her.
Rahim: How can you tell?
Marie: Just a hunch.
Barbara: Ten bucks says we can get his face to stick like that forever.
Alt-Text: Stop smiling, Rahim; you're freaking me out. Damn it...STOP SMILING.