Panel 1: In
the Davies College quadrangle, Franklie introduces Marie to two new
male Junior Fellows, one with curly black hair and glasses and one with
poofy blond hair, glasses, and a goatee.
Frankie: Marie...come meet these guys. This is Wolfgang, and this is Pete; they both just moved in.
Marie: Heh. Hello, Peter and the Wolf.
Panel 2:
Frankie: Whoa!
Pete: Ha ha...I never even noticed that! I never...uh...
Panel 3: Everyone stares at the blond man, Wolfgang, who is just standing there with a blank look on his face.
Panel 4:
Marie [thinks]: Note to self: poofy-haired newbie has had sense of humour surgically removed.
Wolfgang: Am I missing something here?
Alt-Text: Well, you see, Marie, it wasn't actually a *very funny joke.*