Panel 1: One of the new Davies Junior Fellows, a young white woman with a ponytail, approaches Marie in the foyer.
Woman: Are you new too?
Marie: No...I've lived here for a year.
Panel 2:
Woman: Oh, good. Please
explain this place to me! I thought it was just a residence, but there
are code-words and costumes and...just explain it. Please?
Panel 3: Darren walks past.
You guys need to get to the common room; the Master is about to tell us
why there's a cigarette preserved forever in the china cabinet, then
demonstrate how to take snuff.
Panel 4:
Marie [walks away]: I can't.
Woman: Are we on Mars?
Alt-Text: There is nothing inaccurate about this strip. I.e., yes, they are on Mars, and so are you.