Panel 1: Somewhere
in Davies College, Wendy waves her hand in the air and yells into
Marie's ear as a young white man with curly hair and a beard watches.
Wendy: Yoo-hoooo...newbies...the ice-cream outing leaves from here! Yoo-hoooooooooooo!
Panel 2: The man rolls his eyes.
Marie: Wendy, you're not on the DEF any more. How come you're leading so many orientation events?
Panel 3:
Wendy: Well, you see, I've offered to help the new DEF co-chairs settle into their roles.
Panel 4:
Man: I.e., she's spent the last four months muscling in on our territory.
Wendy: By the way, you're making a mess of the scavenger hunt!
Alt-Text: The Massey scavenger hunt begins today. The LMF is not making a mess of it. I don't think.