Panel 1: In
the title panel of this colour comic, three of the new Junior
Fellow--Wolfgang, the white woman with the ponytail, and the Asian man
with hair falling in his eyes--gaze in bafflement at a poster reading,
"Your presence is required West East of Bathurst tonight, dear friend. P.S.: Beer later." Marie and Casey are watching, Casey smilling and Marie smirking.
Panel 2: At a High Table dinner, Marie sits beside the Asian man. A bearded white man is on the Asian man's other side.
Man: This is...pretty fancy.
Marie: Yep.
Panel 3:
Man: We do this every two weeks? Truly?
Marie: Truly.
Panel 4:
Man: Speeches? There are speeches?
Marie: Absolutely.
Panel 5:
Man: There are Junior Fellows sitting at the High Table. Am I eventually going to have to...?
Marie: Uh-huh.
Panel 6:
Man: I'm I asking too many questions?
Panel 7:
Marie: Keep 'em coming; we have two and a half hours to kill.
Man: Are we on Mars...?
Alt-Text: People have been known to gnaw off their own legs in order to escape from High Tables early.