Below you will find four entries in
the 2007 Massey College orientation-week scavenger hunt (item six).
The assignment was as follows: each House (there are
five college Houses to which residents belong; non-residents
collectively form House VI) had to create a live-action version of
West of Bathurst strip.
Four of the six Houses came through. Here, in order of
House number, arethe original strips followed by the
Please note that while some of the entrants have given me
permission to publish their names, others wish to remain
House II

Ah, yes: the Strip With Four Extremely Similar Panels.
I do like the way House II handles it, however:
Look at that: a Casey lookalike! At Massey! This
year! The only major difference is the tie (Casey would
never wear a red tie.
I don't think he even
owns a red tie. He's all green,
all the time). Marie's facial expressions here also please me
quite a lot.
House IV
Good old first-day-at-Massey-strip-mark-two. House IV's
In this strip, put together by Jordan Poppenk, the first two panels
are pretty accurate (despite Baldwin's sex-change) and demonstrate
that I am not very good at perspective. Then things get a
little weird, albeit in a fun way. Marie is here played by
the back of Ali Doroudian's head; Heather Sheridan makes a suitably
perky Wendy. I must say that I
utterly love panel two, in which you
can see the Massey porter's lodge in all its glory.
House V
There is a reason House V has seemingly foolishly chosen a strip
that involves seven characters. Let us explore that
Poor Marie can't keep a straight face here. In fact, the only
person who can is Rahim, who doesn't actually belong to House V at
all (he's an alumnus). As well, various House V-ers have
revealed that they sort of ran out of people and had to keep
switching roles; as you can see, Jeff Rybak starts out as Felicia
and then turns into Cousin It or Grendel or something to play
Bleachy. (I am wondering about the monster arms in panel 3.
I am liking them, but I am wondering about them.) House
V chose this challenging strip because the guy with the huge beard
in panel 1 is, in fact, the actual guy with the actual huge beard
used as an actual model for the character of Barry (the real
bearded guy is also named Barry).
House VI:
I think it is fairly obvious why House VI chose this strip:
The House VI-ers made this recreation about five minutes before the
end of the scavenger hunt; the lack of word balloons is thus
understandable. However, as you may be able to see, House VI
also scores major brownie points by putting into the recreated
strip the man who served as the model for one of the
characters...and, moreover, putting him in
in the same shirt he is wearing in the
comic. The other character in the strip is me, though
that is
not me in the
recreation. I think the substitute is doing a pretty darned
good job, however. Mr. Batman is touching his face with the
wrong hand; otherwise, we've got a nice little last-minute
masterpiece here.
Though Houses I and III did not come through on item 6, I'm sure
they completed it in spirit.
The curious should note that the non-residents won the scavenger
hunt in the end.
Thursday, September 13, 2007 |
don't need a proper transcript for this page because these are all
recreations of previous comics, so the transcripts already exist on
other pages. There are also descriptions of the recreations under each
comic. However, I'll link you to the comics in question so you can read
the transcripts on their original pages. I'll also do little Friends-episode-title-type descriptions of each comic. The first link in each item will take you back up this page to the entry in question. The second link will take you to the comic in question's original home.
House II recreation comic: The One Where Marie and Casey Lie in the Grass and Smirk: Friday, August 10, 2007
House IV recreation comic: The One Where Wendy Corners Baldwin, Who Is Not Happy: Monday, August 27, 2007
House V recreation comic: The One Where Marie Has an Episode, and Everybody Is Worried: Wednesday, July 18, 2007
House VI recreation comic: The One Where House Has a Batman Shirt: Tuesday, July 24, 2007