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Friday, September 14, 2007

West of Bathurst 206

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Friday, September 14, 2007
Panel 1: Marie and Rahim are walking along a Toronto street, which we know because in the second panel, we can just barely see the CN Tower in the distance, and everyone knows that you can always see the CN Tower from any point in Toronto, just like you can always see the Eiffel Tower from any point in Paris. Right, Hollywood?

Rahim: You're running for House Committee in tomorrow's elections.

Panel 2:

Marie: Isn't that the most boring committee in the world?

Rahim: Yes.

Panel 3:

Rahim: But I have to chair it, and Frankie is planning on running, and if I end up as chair of a boring committee with Frankie on it and no one to back me up, I shall be entirely mad by October.

Panel 4:

Marie: I'm running for House Committee in tomorrow's elections.

Rahim: That's my girl.

Alt-Text: And thus is the membership of House Committee often created...

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