Panel 1: In the Davies College lobby, Wendy and the new male Asian Junior Fellow we've been seeing around a lot lately approach Marie.
Wendy: Hi! Baldwin and I are your newly elected Winter-Ball-committee co-chairs!
Panel 2: Wendy puts an arm around Baldwin, whose eyes are bulging.
Tomorrow, we are going to launch a forty-part electronic survey that
inquires as to your Winter-Ball-related needs, so mentally prepare
yourself for it!
Panel 3: Wendy clasps her hands in glee.
We're also on the food committee, the Davieswear committee, the
diversity committee, the DEF committee, and the yearbook committee.
This year, we create your fun!
Panel 4: Wendy is gone. Marie pats Baldwin, who is still staring at nothing in abject horror, on the back.
Marie: You sat next to her during the elections, didn't you?
Baldwin [in a tiny voice]: ...Mommy...
Alt-Text: I always used to find that the best place to sit at a JCR election was in another room.