Panel 1: In
the Davies College common room, Frankie is sitting on a couch, reading
a newspaper. Baldwin comes up behind her and leans against the back of
the couch. He is smiling in an especially creepy way.
Baldwin: Hi. I'm Baldwin.
Frankie [not looking at him]: That's nice.
Panel 2: Baldwin sort of rolls over the back of the couch.
Baldwin: I was thinking of seeing a movie tonight. Want to come?
Frankie: Not really.
Panel 3: Baldwin, still grinning, leans right over into Frankie's personal space.
Baldwin: Weren't you friendlier last week?
Frankie: You weren't hitting on me last week.
Panel 4: Marie and Rahim have been watching from a distance.
Rahim: Well, I'll say this for him: he's got guts.
Marie: Or he did before she started yanking them out and stomping on them...
Alt-Text: I
have never been able to understand how people can operate the way
Baldwin does here. I can especially never understand when this approach