Panel 1: In the Davies College basement, Marie, holding some books, approaches Rahim, who is looking at a piece of paper.
Marie: I'm swamped again, Rahim. Is this House Committee meeting going to last very long?
Rahim: Shouldn't do.
Panel 2: They walk along the basement hallway together.
Rahim: There's not much on the list...just some financial stuff and the DEF report. We'll be in and out pretty quickly.
Panel 3: Wolfgang approaches and shoves a sheaf of papers into Rahim's face.
Wolfgang: Ah, Don Khan. Please add these items to the meeting agenda. Oh...and these and these as well.
Panel 4:
Rahim [to Marie]: Okay, let me rephrase...
Wolfgang: And these and these, but only if we can't resolve these within the first six hours.
Alt-Text: Oh, just bludgeon him with his notes until he goes away.