Panel 1: In
the Davies College Round Room, Frankie, Marie, and Wolfgang sit behind
a curved desk. Marie is between Frankie and Wolfgang, the latter of
whom is holding a piece of paper and droning on and on.
Frankie: What time is it now?
Marie [looks at watch]: 8:45.
Panel 2: Wolfgang continues to drone. Marie is slouched over in her seat.
Frankie: What time is it now?
Marie: 10:07.
Panel 3: Wolfgang continues to done. Frankie has her head in her hands. Marie is slumped over the desk, her own head buried in her arms.
Frankie: What time is it now?
Marie: 11:52.
Panel 4: We
get a wider view of the room. Wolfgang continues to drone. A young man
with black hair and a goatee is sitting beside Frankie. Rahim, at the
front of the room, head-desks.
Frankie: What time is it now?
Marie: What year is it now?
Young Man: Did I have this beard when we started?
My own memories of House Committee meetings are hazy, possibly because
I have blocked out the sheer horror of the damned things.