This comic is dedicated to Simon Watson. He knows perfectly well why. |
Saturday, October 20, 2007 |
Hallowe'en Header: The West of Bathurst characters explore a moonlit graveyard while dressed as the Scooby Gang. Casey, as Fred, aims a flashlight at a gravestone featuring the words: "West of Bathurst by Kari Maaren 2006 -." The "death" date is obscured by a bush. Marie, as Velma, stares at the gravestone in dismay, while Barbara, as Daphne, harangues Rahim, as Shaggy. The top of Scooby-Doo's head is just visible between Barbara and Rahim. Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Wendy stands in front of a blackboard containing, among other things, the words "West of Bathurst" and "by Kari Maaren (query)." The "other things are a picture of a tree with a "?!" beside it, a line graph, some nonsense math, a mind map, a smiley face with hearts for eyes, a note reading "-refs: see PowerPoint," and a jack o' lantern following an "equals" sign. Wendy is happily lecturing Marie, who watches her suspiciously. Panel 2: Wendy and Marie are walking down the street together. It's fall, and they're both wearing jackets. Wendy: Last November first, I had a great idea for a Hallowe'en costume. Panel 3: They walk down a sidewalk, past a wooden fence. In front of it is a bush that's beginning to turn orange and brown. Wendy: I decided: why not go as Wagner's Ring Cycle? I the whole cycle, not just a character or a set piece. I could represent the whole of the Ring! Panel 4: They walk through a park. Wendy: I've spent all year putting it together. I've consulted twenty-three critical articles and four full productions on DVD. Panel 5: They climb a little staircase together. Marie looks askance at Wendy. Wendy: For the past six months, I've been working out the details. What will represent Siegfried? How will I create the world tree? Where, exactly, is my Götterdämmerung? Panel 6: Marie: So now it's ready? Wendy: No, I've changed my mind; I'm going as Britney Spears. Panel 7: Marie: I never want to see into your brain. Wendy: Too mom said that yesterday! Alt-Text: You think I'm exaggerating? You think I'm just having a go at a two-dimensional character? Masseyites plan their Hallowe'en costumes months, if not years, ahead of time. No, REALLY. Go to commentary |
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