Panel 1: Casey,
dressed in a medieval cloak and tunic, complete with sword and sword
belt, is walking down a hallway at Davies College. He glances aside as
he is passed by Marie, who is kitted out as an elf: pointy ears, long
blonde hair, a gown with improbably large sleeves. Marie is not wearing
glasses, and she is groping her way down the hallway.
Panel 2:
Casey: Uh...Marie? Marie?
Marie: Yes?
Panel 3:
Casey: look completely different.
Marie: I've heard.
Casey: You've heard?
Panel 4: Marie is still feeling her way along.
Marie: Unfortunately, elves don't wear glasses.
Casey: From the looks of it, maybe they should start.
Alt-Text: It has been years since I have been able to negotiate without my glasses. The same, alas, is true for Marie.