Panel 1: In
a little basement nook in Davies College, there is a couch. Above it
hangs a painting that I have always thought of as "Pick-Up Sticks"
because, well, that's what it looks like: a bunch of pick-up sticks
against a black background. Marie is on the couch, her head on her
knees. She has taken her elf wig off. Casey, still in his Hallowe'en
costume, approaches her.
Casey: Too much beer?
Marie: Hardly any.
Panel 2: Marie sits up and puts a hand to her head. Casey sits beside her.
Marie: I...don't feel well. I'm all hot and cold and wobbly. I almost passed out...
Casey: Sounds like the flu.
Panel 3: Marie stands up and heads back towards her room. Casey puts a steadying hand on her arm.
Marie: I can't get the flu now; I have too much to do! It isn't convenient!
Casey: Is it ever convenient?
Panel 4:
Marie: Never waste your logic on a person with a temperature.
Casey: I'll try to keep that in mind.
Once, when *I* had a temperature, I thought--well, I'll save that story
for next week's plotline. At any rate, Marie has a point.