Panel 1: Marie
and Casey are sitting on a couch in the Davies common room. Rahim,
dishevelled, unshaven, and carrying a cup of coffee, approaches them.
Rahim: Is he still not sick?
Marie: Nope.
Panel 2: Casey stands, and Rahim gets right up close to him.
Rahim: Barbara's right about you. Only Satan could resist this infernal illness. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd caused it.
Panel 3: Casey presses a hand to his heart.
Casey: Derek didn't get sick. Is he Satan too?
Panel 4:
Rahim: Derek is in Saskatchewan.
Marie [ducks in from off panel, grinning wickedly]: Only one you could think of?
Casey: Uh-huh.
Alt-Text: Some *would* argue that Saskatchewan could very well be Hell, but possibly we just shouldn't go there.