2007 Christmas Header:
this special seasonal header, we see the words "West of Bathurst" in
red Christmassy font against a green background. To their right is a
little group of carollers composed of Wendy, singing happily; Barbara,
baring her teeth at Casey; Casey, looking askance at Barbara; Marie,
watching Barbara and Casey dubiously; Frankie, glancing sidelong at
Baldwin; Baldwin, singing smugly with his eyes closed; and Rahim,
flinging his music over his shoulder and walking away. Three of the
carollers' red choir folders bear the words "by," "Kari," and "Maaren."
Panel 1: Marie
(no longer sick) and Casey are sitting on a couch in the Davies common
room. Marie is reading a newspaper. Wolfgang comes up behind them.
Wolfgang [to Casey]: Hello. I'm looking for a squash partner; are you interested?
Casey: Well...I--
Panel 2: Darren walks past Wolfgang.
Darren [smirks]: He can't do sports. He has only one foot.
Wolfgang [turns to leave]: Oh...never mind, then.
Panel 3: Casey glares balefully after Wolfgang as Marie watches him.
Panel 4: Marie puts a hand on Casey's shoulder.
Marie: You should maybe start breathing again soon.
Casey: Yelling's the same thing as breathing, right?
Alt-Text: They do have similarities, though one is louder and does not involve taking oxygen in.