Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Morgan and Barbara
stand, or possibly sit, against a black background. Beside them are the
words "WEST OF BATHURST" in bright, colourful bubble letters. There are
also some flying party streamers and confetti, plus a purple balloon
with the words "by Kari Maaren" on it. Morgan looks pensive; Barbara
picks up a newspaper.
Morgan: The new year...
Barbara: Well spotted.
Panel 2: Barbara and Morgan are sitting side by side on a couch in the Davies College common room. Barbara is reading the newspaper.
I know it's just artificial, culturally imposed symbolism, but I can't
help thinking of the new year as a time of potential change.
Panel 3:
Here we sit on the cusp of a thousand possibilities. Anything could
happen in 2008; old patterns could be swept away entirely in the face
of new.
Panel 4:
Morgan: New start. It's hokey, but it resonates.
Panel 5: Morgan looks sidelong at Barbara, who is still reading the newspaper.
Panel 6:
Morgan: We still hate each other passionately, right?
Barbara: Yep.
Panel 7:
Morgan: It's nice to have one thing you can count on.
Barbara: If you don't stop talking to me, I'll hit you with a lamp.
Alt-Text: And it is a heavy, heavy lamp.