Panel 1: Marie
and Casey walk through a formless void that seems to be the Davies
College quadrangle. Marie is wearing a coat, toque, and scarf.
Marie: No Buffy.
Casey: It's only one hundred and forty-four hours.
Marie: No Buffy.
Casey: But you do like vampires, right?
Panel 2: They face each other. Casey is smirking.
Marie: No Buffy.
Casey: Clever writing...supernatural elements...
Marie: No Buffy!
Casey: Pop-culture references you can use online...
Panel 3:
Extremely Loud Voice From Off Panel: SHUT UP!
Panel 4: Marie and Casey peek out from behind a brick wall.
Marie: I forgot to mention: we have a new porter.
Casey: I think I should mention: I need new pants.
Alt-Text: They will be green pants. This I guarantee.