Panel 1: Frankie, Casey, and Marie stand together in the formless void that is somewhere in Davies College.
Casey: I'd got used to our porters being so nice...
Marie: Things change.
Panel 2:
Frankie: I hear Kenneth's a former paratrooper. I hear he's even--
Marie [gesticulates wildly as she glances off panel]: Sshhh!
Panel 3: Kenneth appears, carrying a young woman by the scruff of the neck.
Kenneth: If you people don't tell your guests to check in instead of storming the bloody gates, someone is really going to get hurt.
Panel 4: Kenneth is gone. The young woman massages her neck.
Frankie: --killed people with his bare hands...
Young Woman: There's never been a soldier guarding this place before.
If Kenneth Malcolm, Jack Bauer, John McClane, and Chuck Norris were
locked together in a room, the room itself would spontaneously combust
due to the sheer level of awesome in the vicinity.